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GPS technology in the Soil and Water Conservation


ground monitoring system to provide GPS satellite ephemeris and its monitoring and control.

    GPS satellite ground control system includes a master control station, three into the station and five stations.

    GPS signal receiver: GPS signal to the satellite receiver can capture a certain range of the selected satellite signal and the received GPS signal conversion, amplification and processing, the receiver automatically calculated in real-time three-dimensional position, three-dimensional direction and movement velocity and time information.

    1.2.2GPS Location

    The basic principles of GPS positioning is based on instantaneous position of the satellite high-speed movement known as the initial data, the use of space from the intersection of the methods to determine the location of the point under test, we can see the exact location of the satellite in the GPS observations, the satellite can be read to receiver distance. Three-dimensional coordinates using the distance formula and the satellite clock and receiver clock error between, say to the satellite time, t the time the satellite receiver, the use of four satellites in the x, y, z axis, find the unknown location, time (x, y, z, t) means:

    1, (x1-x) 2 + (y1-y) 2 + (z1-z) 2 + c2 (t-t01) = d12

    2, (x2-x) 2 + (y2-y) 2 + (z2-z) 2 + c2 (t-t02) = d22

    3, (x3-x) 2 + (y3-y) 2 + (z3-z) 2 + c2 (t-t03) = d32

    4, (x4-x) 2 + (y3-y) 2 + (z4-z) 2 + c2 (t-t04) = d42

    Since the popularization and application of GPS technology, some receivers can be read directly the coordinates of measuring point and the receiver part-time poor argument.

    2, GPS technology trends in the Soil and Water Conservation

    A wide range of GPS applications, involving all areas of the national economy to GPS satellite positioning system applications, be

Last data update: 10.12.2011
Last page update: 10.12.2011
Technical department:Brian Dunbar
Power By 56VK.COM Data
Power By GoogleMap Data
Power By NASA GPS Data
56VK GPS Version2.3